
Don't let the door hit you in the...

Another employee is leaving, so you have to get the standard "good luck" card and silly frosted cupcakes in the plastic container you almost forgot to get from Jewel on your way to work this morning. Then you actually have to sign the stupid thing. The hope is that several other people have signed it first, so you can copy off of them. Doesn't the card say it all? I mean we basically "hired" the card to say what we couldn't come up with. Why do we have to add to it? Don't the plastic cupcakes alone scream "we'll miss you whatsyourname?" Until Hallmark can come up with something better, I'm sticking with "stay cool"....classic.


And the Oscar goes to...

Martin Scorsese is FINALLY going to get his due. It's unbelieveable that after all of his movies, including my favorites, "Goodfellas" and "Casino" he has yet to earn an Oscar for Best Director. No, he didn't win for "Raging Bull", or "Taxi Driver" or "The Color of Money" or "Gangs of New York" either. How does that happen? After seeing "The Departed" there is NO possible excuse for Hollywood to ignore one of their greatest directors of all time. From the storyline, the lighting, the casting, and the perfect placement of music to set the scene, there is nobody that does it better. You have a shelf of your own in my DVD collection, Marty. Thank you!!


Rockin' Roger Daltrey

It was so great spending time with Roger Daltrey last week, I can't thank him enough. You notice I say "spending time" and not "interviewing". Roger Daltrey has been asked every question, been to every radio station and has signed more autographs than he can count. So, to have the two of us just sitting down and basically laughing for 30 minutes was a moment I'll never forget. Roger can leave the stage any time for oxygen and serve all 34 flavors of ice cream when he's done. I appreciate him as a person that made me feel comfortable sharing a brief moment in time with. A few clips of the interview are available on my web page.