
American Idle

I've been a loyal American Idol watcher since season one, but I think this season is boring boring boring!!! For one, the guest stars have been worse performers than the contestants. Gwen Stefani LIP SYNCHING? Please. We can't tear down Sanjaya anymore, Melinda Doolittle's TOO good for the competition, and I just don't care about anyone else. The best part of the show is Simon. Without him, the show is nothing. He knows it, and we know it. Mabye after American Idol gives back, they should just give up...until next season.


VT = Very Troubled

Once again, they use the word "loner" to describe the Virginia Tech shooter. That would be an understatement. According to his classmates, Cho Seung-Hui never spoke. When the teacher asked him his name, he held up a piece of paper with a question mark. He sat in class with his head down, and never took his sunglasses off. His idea of a class project was to take pictures of his classmates and describe how he'd like to kill them....and on...and on....and on....
Now we're asking "how could this happen"? Here's how: We live in the "he's just expressing himself" generation. Where, no matter how bizarre, twisted, or different a person may act, it's his right of expression. How many stories have we heard about a student who was kicked out of school because of his "offensive" behavior, only to have the parents sue the school and say it was "his right"? We are the problem. Not every behavior is appropriate.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to put my pants back on.


Erin Cornell-man

So this is what its like in heaven...